The Book of Treasure Maps III - Sourcebook by Judges Guild, out of print since 1982, now digitally enhanced for sharpness, 1st edition softbound, NEW (2021). 60+ pages with many maps.
This Classic JG Sourcebook from the early 80's included mini-crawl adventures and suggested locations within the Wilderlands. These small adventures by multiple authors are: Mountain of Fire, Kalligar's Dungeon, Temple of Dusty Death, Kobolds of Vastern, Rubble Hall, Vlad's Tomb (the Master Vampire!), Temple of Allisstannis, Wretched Riddles of Redcliffe, Shindarah's Deep, and the vastly larger adventure known as The Beast of Blackwater Lake.
May contain some adult themes which may not be suitable for younger or sensitive players. We are sure you will enjoy adding this material to your campaigns. Uses the JG Universal System, compatible with all role-playing.